Only read if you wanna use school server

Which Operating System do you use?

  • In all OS, you can use Terminal or cmd to connect, but I perfer not using it as a beginner.

  • Windows, depends on the version of your OS… but I strongly recommend using WSL2. Otherwise, you may use Putty. In addition, I think MobaXterm is a good choice to connect to the servers.

  • MacOS, well… you may just use terminal. I think even Screen Sharing client, a default software works. Alternative, you may use royal TSX.

  • Linux, I prefer Remmina.

Download Cisco - the VPN softwaare if you are off campus

  1. Waterloo Web

  2. Find the installization guide on the right hand side, and choose the appropriate OS.

  3. Type your WatIAM ID and password to download.

  4. Open Sever/connect to and type the account & password

  5. You may need to obtain the second password using the DUO mobile app.

Open the software and connect to the servers

  1. Windows server - use Microsoft RDP I think is the easiest way. Let me know if you do not know how to use.

    • The address is
  2. Linux servers - use the thing you download in the first place.

    • The address is

    • Discription can be found HERE and HERE

    • The description of the CPUs are in HERE

  3. High-performance computing (HPC) & Graphics processing unit (GPU) cluster/server

    • It requires a bit more domain knowledge…

    • There are some good readings, such as 1.

    • It can do good in parallel computing (you have more cores).

  4. Check usage of the server you logged in

    • some commands… e.g. htop, top for memory usage, and a lot more

Running code on the server

  1. log onto the (Linux) server, say,

  2. cd to the directory where your code is located.

  3. Type Rscript your_code.R to run the code.

  4. You may want to use the nohup command to run the code in the background. For example, nohup Rscript your_code.R &


If you have questions or wonders. Feel free to contact me

  1. or

  2. I am currently a CANSSI Distinugish Postdoctoral Fellow at McGill University

  3. My website is

  4. Life learner 😉